Paper Airplane

Team<Eigo Gachizei> 1.Place the paper vertically and fold the bottom edge to the left edge. 2.Fold back the crease and then fold the bottom edge to the right edge. 3.After the crease is undone, fold slightly inward from the crease. 4.Fold down the quarter line 5.Fold left and right side to aligin with centerline 6.Fold to the back along the middle line. 7.Fold the wings on both sides slightly off the corner of the tip. 8.Spread the left and right wings. Reason that they chose the process They chose the process because this paper airplane flew the straightest. 1. Effectiveness of presentation(8) 2. Uniqueness and beauty of design(8) 3. Prubability of success(9) Team<No,1> 1.Fold in half lengthwise. 2.Fold the bottom corners to the fold line. 3.Fold the triangle over. 4.Fold the bottom corner to the fold line again. 5.Fold the right and left corners in line with the fold line. 6.Fold the fold line further. 7.Fold each of the top and bottom corners. 8.Fold in ha...